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How to Properly Maintain your Dental Implants

After a dental implant procedure, the dentist will give the patient some specific instructions to help them care for their implants. Proper care is vital to ensure the tooth replacement lasts a lifetime. While dental implants mimic natural teeth, some differences must be paid attention to. Dental implants are made from man-made materials and attached to the surrounding tissue in a lot of ways. The implants are made up of an artificial root and join the crown by an abutment.

The abutment is important to the success of the implants and should be well cared for to prevent potential infection. As this comes into direct contact with the gums, it must be safeguarded against peri-implantis. Thus, patients must maintain their implant’s health as they would for their natural teeth every day. If you are looking to get dental implants, you must not only be looking for information implant dentaire tarif but also about how to properly maintain the implants. Below are some ways to properly maintain dental implants:

How to Properly Care for the Implants

Your dental hygiene practices and daily routine are quite important as they offer the first line of defense against infection or accidental damage. Thus, make sure you brush your dental implants as frequently as you would your natural teeth. The best thing about this replacement tooth is that unlike dentures, you don’t have to remove them to brush them. Moreover, you should also floss your implant crown to keep it looking like the rest of your teeth. Use unwaxed or implant-specific dental floss as this is designed to protect surrounding tissues.

Consider Using Oral Irrigator and Stimulators

Oral irrigators are helpful in minimising plaque and inflammation. Look for a water flosser that has a non-metal tip and use it 1-2 times every day. Supplement this tool with a non-alcoholic antimicrobial rinse.

Furthermore, stimulators encourage healthy gum tissue, which is necessary in maintaining a dental implant. Consider using rubber-tipped stimulators as they work gently on the gums.

Visit your Dentist Regularly

A regular visit to your dentist is necessary to maintain good dental and oral health. Your dentist will make use of special tools for repairing and maintaining the implants. In addition, they may also recommend special toothpaste or gel which will not scratch any exposed surfaces like the visible crown or the threads. Also, the hygienist may incorporate scaling, which is a method for cleaning much deeper than the tooth’s surface to clean below the gumline and eliminate any plaque buildup.

After getting your implants, you must visit your dentist frequently. But, after the initial period of osseointegration and adaption, you must treat your dental implant like the rest of your teeth and visit your dentist every six months.

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