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3 Common Causes of Varicose Veins

When you begin noticing darkening veins you are likely to feel concerned and visit your doctor. When most people visit their doctor with this issue, they end up being diagnosed with varicose. Although one is relieved that they don’t have a chronic illness, you will still have some concerns. Varicose veins are a common condition which is a result of overfilled veins. The affected vein will typically be larger in size. Furthermore, it can cause you some discomfort and even pain. Sometimes, the varicose veins will become very dark and easy to notice. The condition is popular amongst women more than men and mainly appears on the legs. Fortunately, there are ways of treating varicose veins without surgery, successfully.

The different types of veins

1.Superficial veins

These veins are found just below your skin surface. They transport about 10% of blood from your legs back to the heart. Even when normal, you can sometimes see them through your skin. These veins are the ones that at times develop into varicose veins.

2.Deep leg veins

The second type of veins are deep leg veins. These lie inside your legs, surrounded by connective tissue and muscles. They carry the other 90% of blood coming from legs.

3.Perforator veins

The last kind of veins connect your superficial leg veins to the deep leg ones. There are small valves after every 8 cm inside both deep leg and superficial veins. They prevent blood from collecting at your ankles. They also help drive your blood flow continuously towards the heart. 

What causes varicose veins?

These are some of the top factors that lead people to develop varicose veins


If you are severely overweight, your body becomes more vulnerable to several health issues and conditions. Having excessive weight forces your body to work extra hard to sustain itself than it would, if you were lighter. Many times, men and women with obesity report having varicose veins for many years. Because they are top-heavy, the weight strains their legs which in turn leads to swollen veins. Additionally, overweight persons are more likely to have cardiovascular health issues making them more susceptible to varicose veins.

2.Sitting/standing for too long

If you tend to sit or stand all day long because of school or work, there are higher chances of getting varicose veins. Standing for long hours will prove tough on your feet and legs. The pressure might also impact your veins, putting you at a risk of varicose veins. Taking breaks and sitting in between a given time helps to relieve most of the pressure. Another thing that causes varicose veins is sitting for too long. If this is you, try to get up often and stretch your legs from time to time.


Pregnant women are more likely to get painful varicose veins compared to men. This is because of the hormonal changes that their bodies undergo during the gestation period. For one, they have more blood in circulation within their bodies. This leads to a higher blood pressure, hence more pressure on the veins. Second, progestin levels in a pregnant woman increase during the pregnancy period.

This directly affects the veins, by causing them to dilate furthering their risk of getting varicose veins. Lastly, the uterus of the expectant mother begins pushing against veins, some of which correspond to the leg. A lack of blood flow in these veins can then lead to varicose veins.

These three are some of the common causes of varicose veins but they are not the only ones. Others include natural aging, type of shoes worn, and the lifestyle led by an individual. If you have this condition, you can consult your doctor and they will present you with the different treatment options moving forward.

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